Having brothers and sisters is hard. Me and my sister are always fighting, but I am the only one who ends up in trouble. Me and my sister were arguing about how to find the circumfrince. She is always saying she is so smarter than me. That really gets annoying.
   What bothers me the most, is that she is always wearing MY  CLOTHES. I hate that. When I come home she is all relaxed in my clothes, so I yell at her. All she does is say she had to. That is not true she has a bunch of her own clothes. 
  I also hate when my brother is always telling me what to do. Then, when he wants me to get him something, right when he says go get he is all hurry up, don't be so slow. I say you can't expect me to get it in 1 second. Be patient. If he wants to get his stuff fast why doesn't he just get up and get it. Well that's all HAPPY FRIDAY!
5/2/2013 09:35:01 am

IKR it is hard to deal with brothers and sisters. I am the youngest one so I have to deal with them until they are old and I have seven siblings. Well, good luck with your family!!!!! \^O^/


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