Today in science we dissected a squid. I thought it was a little gross, but they fried it up and ate it at the end. I did not eat it, because I thought It was going to be disgusting. I also did not eat it because I was afraid the tools were still not clean enough for me . I dont know I just did not want to eat. I mean I would try it in a restaurant, just not in a science class just fresh from dissection.
   Well for all of you who tried it how was it? I hope you guys had fun eating it.
 Well happy friday everyone. This was my last friday free write :) <3
Im gong to formal, Iam going to formal. Yeah!!!, I am soo excited I cannot belive it. A lot of people are going to formal. I think it is going to be soo much fun. I seen a lot of girls dresses and they are really pretty. 
 I think my dress is ok. I hope to see a lot of eighth graders going, because it is their last dance here at our school. I am just soo excited. 

Formal is coming up. It is on May 24 and I am anxious because I might not get to go. I already bought my dress. I do not know what I am going to do. 
  Maybe I can try to get my grade up by monday. I dont know if that is possible. I hope it is. Well that is all for free write friday.
In a couple of weeks we are going to go to the Zoo. It's for our project, but I still think it is going to be fun. I think everyone is going to be looking and writing down notes about their animal. 
   Well that seems kind of fun. I am excited to see all of the different kind of animals that the kids have. I think it will be interesting. I hope that we get to look at animals not for our project also, because the zoo has really cool animals. 
   Well yeah that is all for free write friday. HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I am so excited,because I get to got to the movies with my old friends!!!! I am so happy, because it has been a long time since I have hung out with them, and I am super glad my mom is finally letting me go. Well we are going to see the movie 42.
  I have heard that that movie is a really good one. Well I have been texting my friends trying to set it up. I kind of want to spend the night since that was our original plan, but my friend is moving so yeah. Well I hope this will be a good Friday.