Yesterday was so embarrassing! As I was walking out of computer class I fell. It was so bad, because I slid and landed on my knees. When I fell I got up real quick, flipped back my hair, and  told my friend to come on. I was so embarrased, and the whole reason why I fell was because of my untied shoelace. When we were walking to the lunchline my friend was laughing, so it made me laugh. I felt a little better after that and I ate lunch. 
   While I was eating my lunch I told my friends all about what happened. They laughed that also made me feel better. Then I realized that I fell in the quad, and was worried if anyone saw. Then I remembered that only two people saw. Atleast not a whole lot of people were watching. I now learned to make sure your shoelaces are tied!!
I think computers will change the way we learn things. Maybe we will be able to use the computer as a teacher. I dont mean like when some people go online to online schools I mean the computer might actually give us lessons. They may give us lessons in life or just subjects from school. It may teach us also teach us how to respect ourselves and others. In conlcusion computers will teach us many things in the future.
One of my freinds was being bullied over the internet by one of the kids in our class. He was saying some really mean things, so we showed our teacher the facebook page. He went up to the bully and told him not to bully and then sent him to the principal's office. I wish that that I had went up to the bully with her and asked him to leave her alone.  Now the kid doesn't bully her anymore , and it's all behind them.
My biggest fear in middle school, that didn't come true was that on the first day I wouldnt know anyone in my class and I would be completly lost. Although I didn't know anyone in my classes, I wasn't completely lost. I was a little scared though.Luckily I saw some of my friends at break, and that made me feel alot better. Then throughout the day I started to get to kind of know the people in my class. I met some really nice girls that are now my friends. I dont have a whole lot of friends  just a couple which is enough for me.  
                I also was afraid that the eighth graders would be really mean. Actually all of the  eighth are pretty nice. So I guess that fear didn't come true either .Middle school isn't bad. It's actually kind of fun. So all of my worrying about those things were for nothing. Well those were my greatest fears that didn't come true . Hopefully they don't ever come true , but my fears are unlikely to happen.  
Somwhere I would like to go is France. It seems really pretty. It also sounds fascinating to go to some of its historical landmarks. The Eiffel Tower is one of the reasons why I want to go. I've always wanted a picture taken of me right by the Eiffel Tower. Wouldn't that be cool? I also want  to go because of all the good foods. Another reason why I want to go to France is to shop. I hear Paris has really nice clothes.  
        Another place I would like to go to is Cuba. I want to learn about their culture. In movies and videos the parades look really fun, so that's another reason why I want to go. I would also like to see Cuba's landmarks, and learn the lanuage. I would also like to shop in Cuba. I would like to try Cuba's different kinds of food.
          When I travel to the places I want to go to I would do alot of cool things there. When you travel, the places you want to travel to may have alot to offer.  It's also a great learning experience. I think going to other countries is a wonderful opportunity. So those are the reasons why I would like to travel.
 Do I care about the 2012 Presidential Election? Yes I actually do, because if a canidate is chosen and it turns out bad, our families will pay for it. I dont know much about politics, but I do care about the election. I just want America to be a better country. There's alot of bad things that are happening in the country, like the bad economy and high gas prices. Not just the gas prices are going up, food and clothing prices are also going up. America is in need of change. Now I know it's not going to happen just like that, it will take time. I just hope that one of the canidates will bring those changes. So I hope a lot of people care about the election as much as I do.
So far my day has been going good. I just hope it stays like this all day. Today in core it was so fun we did a simulation. We had to act like we were Roman provinces, and we had to sell our goods to get protection. We went over how Rome was built and how it crashed. I also learned how they treated some barbarians which was why they had attacked.  Then we had to write about it.
    In algebra it was the same. Numbers. Actually it was also kind of fun. We are going to be doing a project  together and I'm freaking out a little bit. It probably won't that bad. I've just got to pepare. I think it will help me get to know my group a little better. Any way our algebra teacher is pretty cool and fun. Well that's all I hope my day is going to still be fun as it goes on
Today in some of my classes I had to take tests. Now in Core I was kind of nervous about the test, because I didn't really get to study. I had a pretty busy week with homework and chores. Anyway, because I didn't get to study I just studied yesterday and on the way to school. Well I feel pretty good about the 50 question test in core. I think I did great. Our teacher was telling us to calm down and try our best.  She also wished us good luck.
   Then in algebra we took another test. It was a lot of math on that paper. It was a little confusing at first, then I remebered everything he taught us. Then it all came to me, and it was getting easy. I am confident that I did good on the algebra test to.  We also had to take a practice science test. It was the only cool test, because we used this remote to answer instead  of pencil and paper. Those were the tests of today. 
I learned alot on My Digital Life. I Iearned alot about computers and how to be safe online. I also learned the dangers of misusing and becoming addicted to the internet. So one  of the things I Iearned about computers is That it's a good thing to have alot of Ram if you're going to be saving alot of media files. Also when you're shopping for a computer you should have an idea of what kind of computer you want and how much ram and memory it has. You also should know what kind of software you want for your computer, this will make looking for a computer easier for you. 
    Some things I learned about being safe online is to not give out too much information on social networks. You also shouldn't add people as a friend on your page if you don't know them. Another thing you shouldn't do on a social networking site is post, or send anyone innapropriate pictures of yourself. You never know who will see them,and by not posting or sending those kind of pictures, it will keep you safe. 
     Another thing learned is that people somtimes misuse the internet and become addicted to it. Misusing the internet could mean that your cyberbullying someone on a social networking site. Cyberbullying is a serious issue. It hurts the feelings of the victims, and sometimes they hurt themselves. I learned that we can help stop bullying. People become addicted to the internet by using it a lot. Sometimes it affects their work. Somtimes it can be dangerous, because some people are addicted to it so bad that they get they're phone on the internet while driving. That is not a good idea, because your not focused on the road, but on your phone and you and whoever else is in the car  can get hurt. Well as you can see I learned a lot from My Digital Life.
One day I awoke and everything seemed so different. No one was gathering crops,or herding sheep like they usually do. Not even the boys in my village were playing outside like they normally. "What has happened?", I thought to myself. I went to ask my mother whey nobody was outside, and waht she told me was horrible.
   "Our leader has been killed, we must leave the villiage. Everyone is in their homes preparing for our trip." 
      "Trip to where?", I asked and she didnt answer. Instead she asked me help her pack. I was terrified I didn't know what was going to happen to us, or where we were going. I just remembered walking to place I did not know of. We walked through the harsh, dry, desert. We would stop at oases where we could find them.
     It took us many weeks just to get out of the dessert and when we did we found a little city bustling with merchants and traders.We ate, drank, and slept here. I was glad we found somewhere to stay, but then my mom said "We will be leaving soon." I wanted to be at home, where I had to clean the clothes and tend to the animals. It wasn't long though before we found somwhere we could live. It was perfect for us. It had fertile soil for our crops and clean fresh water. It also had enough grass for our livestock to graze on this is where I feel most at home.