During winter break I want to be able to do a lot of things. One things I have been dying to go do is go ice skating. I love ice skating, and I wanted to go with my mom. I think she would like going ice skating. I want to have fun with her. Another thing I want to go do is shop at the mall for lots of things. I love the mall, the stores have a lot of cute clothes. I like stores like Hollister, Aeropostale, Abercrombie and Fitch, Charlotte Rousse, and Love Culture. Those stores especially have a lot of nice and cute clothes.
       I would also like to go somewhere like the mountains where it snows. I've been to the mountains once while it snowed, but once it snowed we had to leave. I was so disappointed. Over winter break I would like to go to at least one of these places. That would be so fun. Well that is what I hope to do over winter break. What will you do? Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

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