September 11th 2001 was a tragic day in America's history. The Twin Towers and the Pentagon were both hit. I don't remember it because I was just a kid.  I watched the news and they were showing the videos of when the Twin Towers went down. I saw people jumping to their deaths and fire fighters arriving trying to help. When I saw those horrific things I felt like crying. It was really sad. I asked my mom about it and she told me that it was a time that America felt that anyone can come and terrorize us like that. After the 9-11 attack, people were trying to help the victims in every  way they could. Some were selling things flags and other thing to raise money for the victim's families, while others donated blood. 9-11 might have been a tragic time , but it was also a time where everyone was helping others. 
11/8/2012 05:08:24 am

Hey Erica don't forget to indent in the first paragraphs


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