The most diffucult region to live in I think is the desert. In the desert there is no plants, or water. If you had animals it would be very hard to feed them them. Also it would be very hard for you to live, because you wouldn't have any water to drink or food to eat. I know there is some water, and palnts in oasies, but what if you don't live by one? You could move to one, but I bet you would be very tired and wouldn't want to walk if your dehydrated. 
        That's another thing , in the desert you know its really hot,and if you've hadn't had anything to drink you could easily become dehydrated and die. In the desert it would probably be hard for you to find shelter. I guess youcould build one. I don't think you're going to want to build one when a sandstorm might come and ruin it. Well in my opinion, the desert would provide the most hardships to live in.

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