I have many favorite moments of the 7th grade. Some of them are about dances and others are about just hanging out with friends.
  One of my favorite dance day moment is the valentine's day dance. That one was fun and hilarious. Me and my friend danced the whole entire time, it was so much fun. Then she ripped her pants which was pretty funny. WOW!!!! 
   Another memory I have is when I fell in the quad. It was really funny. Me and my other friend were walking to lunch when I decided to run! OMG!!!! I fell so hard and the weight of my backpack sent me flying forward. My friend laughed about it for weeks,
      Another moment I remember was the time my friends were being mean to each other and then one of my friends told the other one "Shut up you are like little ceaser's for five bucks you are hot and ready.
 I know I will miss my friends when I leave.
6/4/2013 10:14:51 am

I know two of those moments are about me lol!!! \^O^/

7/23/2013 09:46:30 am

LOL Yesh!! I miss you L.


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