I think the greatest scientific discovery is the discovery of DNA. I think this because without knowing about DNA we wouldn't know if we had diseases or who was our family.  We also wouldn't be able to solve crimes without knowing about DNA. Life would be pretty tough without the knowledge of DNA.
  DNA can help us determine who committed a crime. Murderers and robbers leave a lot of helpful clues to solving a case just by a strand of their hair or their fingerprints.  By using these important pieces of evidence we would be able to solve a crime.
   DNA also helps if you are trying to see if you have a disease. You go to the doctor so the doctor can test your blood. Blood has your DNA. So by testing the blood you would find if you had a disease in your DNA. 
      We use DNA to also see who we are related to. You could take DNA tests to see if your DNA matches the other person's. That is How you could us DNA to find your relatives.
DNA is a very useful thing.

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